Alumnae Use Their Voice for Good

This year, the School theme has been “Use Your Voice for Good,,灵感来自于美国妇女选举权100周年, and by various current events happening all over the world. The Alumnae Council Diversity, Equity, & 包容(DEI)委员会受到了学生们的启发,并将其作为今年勇敢对话聚会的主题.
DEI委员会很高兴地介绍四位校友,他们将分享他们的个人经历, discussing the importance of using your voice, and talking about the different ways this can be done. Reunion 2021 is virtual, and as always, all alumnae are welcome to attend — even if it is not your Reunion year.

We hope you will join alumnae, faculty, and current students for this wonderful virtual event; “Courageous Conversations: Alumnae on Using Your Voice for Good.”

Adriane Johnson-Williams, PhD ’92 
Standing firmly on her identity as a Black woman, Dr. 约翰逊-威廉姆斯也接受了她学术和社会经历的复杂性. 14岁离开家去福克斯克罗夫特,然后去韦尔斯利的韦尔斯利学院, MA, 帮助打造了她几乎每天都在使用的工具,以支持客户认识到产生同质化和排他性组织的行为和制度,并承诺采取包容多样性和包容性的行为和制度,促进更大的公平.

Dr. Johnson-Williams is a native Memphian, who got her start in Memphis City Schools, 她致力于改善家乡和全国黑人和棕色人种的生活. Dr. Johnson-Williams is Founder and Principal at Standpoint Consulting, 而在此之前,她是勒莫恩-欧文学院战略与规划特别助理. She was also a founding staff member, and ultimately became Director of Collaborative Action, with Seeding Success, the Shelby County, TN, collective impact effort focused on improving cradle-to-career outcomes.

Her graduate work, grounded in sociology, politics, and philosophy, 帮助她的咨询锚在奖学金,而她的专业和生活经验,帮助她量身定制客户服务,以满足他们的独特需求. Having worked in schooling, education advocacy, higher education, collective impact, and philanthropy, her knowledge is expansive.

She was named 2020 Woman of the Year by Girls Inc. of Memphis and received the Evelyn S. 姐妹之家颁发的实地奖表彰她在十字路口展示生殖正义.

Maniecsha Holmes ’09
Maniecsha Holmes is an Associate Segment Producer at Jimmy Kimmel Live, 现在她能在片尾字幕中使用她的专业名称吗, Mannie Holmes. She collaborates with show writers, producers, 吉米·坎摩尔(他在镜头外也很滑稽)在想一些和名人嘉宾有关的趣事, news-generating questions to ask. 

At Foxcroft, she was the Richmond, 弗吉尼亚州本地人,她总是霸占着客厅的电视看她个人收藏的DVD. (She’d like to apologize to her dorm mates for that now.) She graduated from UVA's College of Arts & 在获得广播专业硕士学位之前,他于2013年获得了英语专业的理科硕士学位 & 2014年雪城大学纽豪斯公共传播学院的数字新闻学.

Before arriving at Kimmel, 她是《dt电子游戏app》团队的一员,该团队在2019-2020赛季获得了日间艾美奖最佳娱乐新闻节目奖. There, she reported on breaking news stories, 包括导致科比·布莱恩特死亡的直升机坠毁事件,以及围绕布兰妮·斯皮尔斯监护权的持续法律纠纷. 
Maniescha还致力于指导新闻系学生,并作为全国黑人记者协会洛杉矶分会的董事会成员组织职业小组. Whenever she has free weekends, 她正在做她在福克斯克罗夫特时没有利用的一件事:花时间和马在一起. As a volunteer with Taking the Reins, 这是一个非营利组织,旨在帮助来自贫困社区的女孩学习马术和自然科学, 她开始照顾马匹,并将在不久的将来(祈祷)上骑马课. 她目前住在洛杉矶,在那里她仍然看太多的电视 ... at least until the city is actually safe again to explore.

Julienne Brown ’09
朱莉·布朗毕业于福克斯克罗夫特学院,梦想成为一名运动教练, which had been growing since sophomore year. She played field hockey, lacrosse, 她在校期间一直打篮球——由于对比赛的热情,她经常花时间从各种伤病中恢复过来. Upon graduating, Julienne把她的运动训练梦想和对曲棍球的热情带到了Roanoke学院,在那里她学习运动医学,并为maroon队效力了四年. 
While at Roanoke she joined Phi Mu Sorority, building on a sense of sisterhood fostered by her time at Foxcroft. Fast forward through plenty of stumbles, bumps, bruises, and total face- plants, 她现在拥有并经营着自己的运动表演和运动医学实践,为里士满的女运动员服务, VA: EMPOWER Athlete. 
Her practice specializes in female physiology. The program covers training, treatment, return to play, and other holistic practices from research by, practiced on, and executed by female athletes. It is Julienne’s goal to turn the current athletic structure upside down, a structure that has been built primarily for men, 并继续帮助女孩建立她们的体育事业,以一种有利于她们成长的方式.
M. Tonita Austin ’83
除了拥有自己的会计师事务所,托尼塔·奥斯汀还是一名社区和社会活动家. 她是一位才华横溢的诗人,经常被邀请在“黑人的命也是命”和“黑人之子的母亲”集会上朗诵, 她是当地监狱改革社区联盟的创始成员之一. 

Delco监狱改革联盟(DelcoCPR)成立于2017年底,旨在组织和争取特拉华县的地方监狱改革, PA. 他们是一个非正式的联盟,由来自全国各地许多社会正义团体的个人和代表组成. 他们的目标是遵循以前被监禁的人的领导和指导,并在我们的成员之间建立权力和关系. 他们目前的首要任务是将宾夕法尼亚州唯一一家私人经营的监狱私有化. 作为费城黑人之子的母亲和种族正义组织的成员, 托尼塔致力于监狱改革和保护我们最脆弱的公民.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative STEM program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.